how well do you know TADC?

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Ever wonder how much you know about your own favorite show? take this short quiz to see your mastery knowledge of the show everybody is obsessed over!

in this quiz, you will put your brain to the test to remember nitty gritty facts about the hit tv show: the amazing digital circus. lets see if you know more then the average Joe!

  1. who created it?
  2. who is the main character?
  3. how many episodes are there as of November 23, 2024?1
  4. what is the first episode called
  5. what is the second episode called?
  6. What is the third episode called?
  7. what character is a bunny?
  8. what character is a chess piece?
  9. is there an exit
  10. What are gloinks?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know TADC?
