how much do you HATE school?

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this quiz is a quiz that shows you how much you like or hate school. for me I hate it. I hope that you like this quiz and answer honestly and truthfully.

show support to my quiz it took me a loooooooooong time to make this. when I say "long" I mean 'looooooooooong". So take your time and answer each question honestly

Created by: Heather Albritton
  1. how long is your bus ride?
  2. what grade are you in?
  3. what gender are you?
  4. what is your favorite subject?
  5. what do you like about school?
  6. what do you rate school?
  7. how smart are you?
  8. do you like school?
  9. how old are you?
  10. are you shy?
  11. who is your 2nd grade teacher?

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Quiz topic: How much do I HATE school?
