Did you earn the right to graduate middle school?

Did you earn the right??? How did you do in middle school??? Should you have graduated???? Get ready to get back and re-live some middle school memories

Let's test some subjects! Math; Social Studies/history; General Knowledge;Disney (common knowledge); Greek/Roman mythology; Biology; Geography and much more

Created by: TomBoy1
  1. What year was the declaration of independence signed in the United States?
  2. What shape is the Pythagorean theorem supposed to work for?
  3. True or False: All rectangles are squares, but not all squares are rectangles
  4. What is the correct spelling of the yellow fruit?
  5. What is H2O?
  6. What is X times X
  7. Finish the phrase: When in _________
  8. Which Disney movie goes along with learning ancient Rome and Greece?
  9. Which is not a Greek God?
  10. Was the Great Depression after...?
  11. How many children died in the Holocaust?
  12. What country was attacked to start World War 2?
  13. Which is closest to the equator?
  14. How old do you have to be to become a cop officially?
  15. What's the first amendment?

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