How much do we have in common?

Hey, this quiz has 20 questions that will show how much you have in common with me. From how many siblings you have to whether you like pineapple on pizza, we will soon find out how alike we are.

My favourite option for each question will score 5 points however for other options that i like, just not as much, you can recieve 2 points. Have alot of fun, and I would love to hear about your scores!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Ellie2019
  1. Gender
  2. Do you live in a....
  3. What's your favorite Colour?
  4. Do you support NRL? Which team is your favourite?
  5. Cats or Dogs?
  6. When is your birthday?
  7. What is your favourite season?
  8. What sports do you play/do
  9. How many siblings do you have?
  10. What type of movies do you like?
  11. What letter does your name start with?
  12. How many pets do you have? This dosent include cows, chickens, fish, insects
  13. What electives would you pick at school?
  14. Favourite Softdrink
  15. Pineapple on Pizza?
  16. Do you like reading?
  17. You like science?
  18. At a coffee shop, what drink is your go to? Any flavour you want
  19. Do you know at least 3 of these songs: bloodline -Ariana GrandeAustin (Boots Stop Workin') -Dashayou broke me first -Tate McRaeOnly Want You -Rita OraRude Boy -RihannaLove Again -MIRAAttention -Charlie PuthHere -Alessia CaraEspresso -Sabrina CarpenterWhen your Gone -Shawn MendesMy House -Flo RidaThinkin Bout Me -Morgan WallenPink Friday Girls -Nicki MinajKill Bill -SZAgreedy -Tate McRaeget him back! -Olivia Rodrigo
  20. Finally.... do you have a best friend and if you have how long have you known them for?

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