how much do i know about Maddie Ziegler

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A lot of people think they know something about someone. This quiz is to see if you know anything about Maddie Ziegler from dance moms .how much do you know

Are you a Maddie Ziegler fan??do you have the skills I know ever I about her?? Until now you could only wonder.But thanks to this great quiz,in just a few minutes you will find out!!!!!!

Created by: Mindy brandford
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is Maddie's Favorite Colors
  2. What is her dad's name
  3. Her fav animal
  4. What is her moms name
  5. Love interest
  6. Teacher's name
  7. Her middle name
  8. Her sister's name
  9. Her full name
  10. Her birthday
  11. Did u jus realize all these answers are on YouTube

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