How much can you guess about moi?

Try and guess as much as you can about me! It will be fun, I promise. Bla Bla Bla ghjffrtgjbhfhhmkgfghjnvsewqsuoplmbcssdthhb.😎 oh no still need more letters so it simpler me publish wait I have enough now!!

I don't know what to write here. Hgdbhcgghhffnbmjgdwaxhkomndw e ikjbf ghost hmm jmgghukhbhhjjj, wait, why does my gobbleygook spell ghost? That's creepy. 😳

Created by: Geeky quiz gal
  1. What letter does my real first name start with?
  2. What gender am i?
  3. How old am i?
  4. In what month is my birthday?
  5. What is my fave colour?
  6. What is my fave animal?
  7. What is my fave food?
  8. What is my fave drink?
  9. What is my hair colour?
  10. What is my eye colour?
  11. What country do I live in?
  12. What is my fave book series?
  13. What is my fave movie?
  14. What is my fave T V show?
  15. One last question: have you done any of these quizzes? (Made by me under different user names) click on the ones you have. This does not effect your score. If you haven't, please check them out!

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Quiz topic: How much can I guess about moi?
