How much are you rational?

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Are you rational? Do you think before making the slightest decision? Do you ever assume? Do you like to have all the facts? Then you might be rational

Before you start, guess what you will get based on the facts of your personality. If you are right, you might very well be rational... Or just honest with yourself

Created by: Temperance Brennan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Your mom tells you after 15 years that the dad who died in war you always knew was actually died in a drunken haze in his encampment. You...
  2. You're babysitting and the brothers start having a screaming match. You...
  3. Somebody says they beleive a "magic faerie" created a whole village with her mind. And that is the reason we are alive. You...
  4. (girls only)You wake up and you have really bad morning sickness after a night at the club you don't remember most of... You...
  5. You're an Athiest and you just found out your bf/gf is a raging religious person. But you really like them and have always wanted kids. You...
  6. Your friends are in a fight over something stupid. They want you to pick a side. You...
  7. Your mom is mad at you. But she's simply trying to save herself from being wrong at the hands of a __ year old. You...
  8. Your friend likes this guy/girl, but the guy/girl is trouble. They want to know what you think about them. You know your friend is crazy about them but if they get involved, your friend will get dragged down with them. You tell them...
  9. Do beleive in god/s even with the Big Bang, evolution, and all the evil in the world?
  10. Do beleive in ghosts?

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Quiz topic: How much am I rational?