Are You Being Catfished?

It's important to the note that Catfish prey on all types of people. Anyone can fall victim to an internet scam, not just the naive or socially inexperienced. Falling for a Catfish has nothing to do with intelligence or rational thinking – it's all about HOPE. When seeking love online, we put ourselves out there and subsequently make ourselves quite vulnerable. Sometimes, our desire to find our ideal partner outweighs our rational thinking. Our right brain (emotional) tends to dominate our left brain (rational) and the inner voice that says "I want love" becomes so much louder than the voice that says "be careful".

You may have noticed the Australian media has recently held a spotlight on the issue of internet fraud, specifically, internet dating fraud. It has become such a hot topic because so many of us are falling victim to scams, we need to raise awareness and learn how to protect ourselves. Insight on SBS and Weekend Today on Channel 9 both covered the issue in the past week.

Created by: asdfg123

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Have you had a video call with this person?
  2. Does this user have different social media accounts? For example: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter?
  3. Do they look like a model? Do they seem way too perfect to be a normal person?
  4. Does this person ask for money?
  5. Excuses, excuses, excuses. Does this person always have an excuse to not meet you in real life or via webcam?
  6. Does this person have a low friend count online?
  7. Does this person tell you only positive things and they seem flawless from what they are telling you?
  8. Do they have a job that seems to good to be true?
  9. Do you feel deep down that this person is real?
  10. Why did you take this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Being Catfished?