How much are you like me?

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This quiz is to see how much you are like me. It mentions Taco Bell. It also mentions infants getting suffocated at one point, but don't worry, the mental breakdown it'll give you probably won't be THAT big.

Okay, since you're reading this paragraph, you have to listen to all of these songs. Last Day by MARETU, White Happy by MARETU, Uminaoshi by MARETU, Angel 92 by know what? Why don't you just search up "Coin Locker Baby Album" on YouTube and listen to it? Oh, and then listen to the SIU album. Thank you!!!!!

Created by: OumaKokichi72
  1. hello im ella and im seven. this is my 1st quiz. i hope you enjoy :)
  2. Why do I always do that? My name isn't Ella and I'm not seven. Anyways, onto the actual quiz. Which of these music types do you like the most?
  3. What is your gender?
  4. Are you a feminist?
  5. Now that I made everyone mad at me with the last question...let's make it worse! Are you liberal or conservative?
  6. Okay, no more politics for now. Do you like Taco Bell???
  7. You better have said yes to the last question. Okay, which of these books/book types/book genres are your favorites?
  8. How old are you?
  9. Do you have OCs?
  10. If you said yes, gREAT! If you said no...I feel like you're lying because most people taking this quiz are children. But maybe you're an adult. Who knows? You know, I always find it interesting how EVERY fictional character is basically an OC. Harry Potter is an OC...Daniel Tiger is an OC...Hannibal Lecter is an OC...
  11. Now that that insanity is out of the way...How do you feel about love? Like, romantic love.
  12. Do you believe that opposites attract?
  13. Did you know that in Japan sometimes when mothers give birth to babies and they don’t want them they suffocate them and then shove their bodies in coin-operated-public lockers and leave their tiny corpses in plastic bags to rot and decay until they’re found by security guards? Occasionally they’re left there so long the gender of the baby is impossible to tell.
  15. If you have no idea what that last question meant...Google "Spamton Deltarune". Anyways! Last question. Which type of video game do you like the most?
  16. Ha. Did you really think that would be the last question?
  17. Well, it wasn't. Do you like closets?
  18. Do you harbor a strong hatred for humanity and wish to get revenge on them for taking over this planet?
  19. Oops, sorry. My AI bestie malfunctioned while I was getting it to write these questio - I mean - *ahem* I'm definitely writing these questions myself. Anyways! Do you know the execution method of okapine?
  20. ...You are so gullible. Anyways, next question! This is mostly directed towards you, Olivia. And no, I don't have any friends taking this quiz named Olivia. I mean YOU, Olivia. Okay, so do you know why the chicken ate the sponge and then cut down a bush to sprinkle onto the eggazine?
  21. You'll never know, because this is the end of the quiz. Make sure to like and subscribe!

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Quiz topic: How much am I like me?
