How much are you like me

As in 2012, the FN’s manifesto contains proposals to cut legal immigration to 10,000 “entries” a year. Deportations are to become easier; obtaining aslyum, residency rights and French nationality, harder.

At Fréjus, Le Pen railed against “massive immigration”, linking it closely to the question of national identity. Immigration policy and multiculturalism had become dogmatic “religions”. The consequences of the latter, she said, could lead to “civil war between communities”. More than once she spoke of “one language, one culture” as crucial to human dignity within “one national community”.

Created by: Sebastian Blackwood
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  4. Ok, so you went to prom, what song do you want played
  5. Noah walks into the room, do you insult him
  6. Your playing madden, what's your team look like
  7. What club are you going to
  8. Are you fine with change on a grand scale
  9. What religion are you part of
  10. What's your least favorite city in Maine

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Quiz topic: How much am I like me
