How MJ are you?

Hello people of the world! I think Michael Jackson was the best person ever to live with a fun personality, a great voice and funky dance moves!!!!!!

Now lets find out how simular YOU are to the king of pop. If you have always wanted to know if you are anything like him if it's for a good reaon or bad, this quiz holds the answers. good luck!

Created by: MJfan(stb)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So... How much do you like MJ?
  2. So. Can you dance?
  3. So what can you do?
  4. K. What about singing?
  5. Fav food?
  6. (oh no a colour question!)
  7. Now. Describe your personality bellow or which one fits best
  8. If you had kids, what sort of names would they have?
  9. So, do you think you will get the answer you want?
  10. Ok, so say you are nervous. What do you do
  11. how many MJ music vids have you seen

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Quiz topic: How MJ am I?