How Many Spanks Do You Deserve?

Looks like someone needs a spanking! Everyone could use a bottom warming every now and then, but how many spanks do you need? Answer a couple of questions and find out!

So when it's time to take your punishment, how well will you fare? You may get off light, but you shouldn't count on it. You'll get one spank for each percentage point you get. You can expect a red rump if you've been naughty!

  1. How many things are you being punished for?
  2. Pick the worst offence you committed to use on future questions. How bad was this offence?
  3. Is this a problem area of yours?
  4. Have you committed this specific offence before?
  5. No matter how severe the infraction was, how many people were hurt by your misbehavior?
  6. Did you know this was a punishable offence?
  7. What level of punishment would you expect from this violation?
  8. Do you get punished often in general?
  9. How severely are you punished? (Assuming they are fair)
  10. Are you going to apologize to the people you hurt?
  11. How sorry are you for what you did?
  12. Are you a naughty person in general?
  13. What do you think you should spanked with? (You can get someone else to decide the next questions if you can't)
  14. What amount of clothing do you think you should be punished in?
  15. What color should your bottom be after your spanking?

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Quiz topic: How Many Spanks do I Deserve?

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