How many people like you?

This quiz will show you an estimated amount of people that like you, in either a romantic way or friendly way depending on how you see it. If you dislike your results please comment down why and I will try to fix it if the reason given is truthful.

This quiz is not 100% accurate, it is made by a bored teenager who was looking for a quick burst of entertainment. I hope you enjoy, and commenting will fuel my entertainment, so feel free to do so.

Created by: Tyler
  1. How old are you?
  2. Gender?
  3. In school, or when you went to school, how good were your grades? Or how good are your grades?
  4. How many people know your name
  5. How many people do you catch looking at you?
  6. Does anyone ever admit feelings towards you?
  7. How many followers do you have on social media
  8. How many people have you dated
  9. How many people do you have added on Snapchat/Phone number added
  10. How nice are you to “unpopular” people
  11. What are you?
  12. How many people have you talked to today (strangers)
  13. Final Question: how many people do you think like you? Be honest

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