how many kids will you have???

This quiz will see how many kids you will have. It may not be accurate but it is defo fun for all. What you want a genius answer? Well you will get the answer by this.

Do you have the brainpower to answer? Until you go on this quiz you will never find out! But thanks to this quiz you will find out in minutes. Are you ready?

Created by: Lili

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your fave colour?
  2. Do you want kids?
  3. How many kids do u want?
  4. Whats your fave girl name?
  5. Whats your fave boy name?
  6. Does your boyfriend want kids?
  7. Whats your fave social network website?
  8. Whats your fave sport?
  9. Are you ready for your answer?
  10. Will you comment on this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How many kids will I have???