How Many Kids Should You Have?

Have you ever wonder how many kids you'll have? Maybe you've pondered over weather you'd be a good parent? Maybe you have been dreaming about having a family since you were little?

Now with this quiz you can find out! Answer the questions and it will tell you how many kids your destined to have. Answer the questions honestly and you'll get an honest answer.

Created by: Maddie123

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  1. How many kids do you want?
  2. How many kids can you handle?
  3. You have four kids. Your daughter gets out of school at 1:45. Your son has soccer at 2:00. Your other son has baseball across town at 2:30. Your other daughter has dance at 2:45. And your first son next to be picked up at 3:00. Could you handle this?
  4. Your grade school daughter has a chorus concert but you'd have to take a baby and toddler. Would you go?
  5. Would you mind if people stared at your family while out?
  6. Your son comes home crying saying that kids in class make fun of his big family. Would you regret having lots of kids?
  7. Your son comes home crying saying that kids in class make fun of his big family. Would you regret having lots of kids?
  8. Would you want to spoil your child?
  9. Would you co-sleep?
  10. What do you think about only childs?
  11. Would you be okay with driving a minivan?
  12. What do think about kids in large families?
  13. Pick a letter
  14. Would you like do be pregnant a lot?
  15. Do you have names ready for lots of kids?

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Quiz topic: How Many Kids should I Have?