How many chances do you have at dieing?

So i made this quiz to see if you had any chances at dieng. yes I mean you just try this quiz out to get a result of if you have any chances at dieing rember this is not 100% right soo yeah enjoy.

ok ok let's see if you have any chances at dieing just rember this is not 100% right so please don't attack meh!:( so yeh enjoy this one-of-a-kind quiz i made just for you. Anways guys please do enjoy byee!

Created by: lonerwolf
  1. First, what i want to know is do you take drugs or meds of any kinds that you should not take?
  2. Do you abuse you body like starving yourself or cutting too much to where you bleed too much?
  3. Do you have any of the following health problems, if not press "other".
  4. Do you have trouble sleeping or sleeping way too much?
  5. Have you ever had trouble seeing with or without your glasses. ( if you have any. )
  6. Do you have any of the following mental disorders if not then press "other".
  7. Are you a reckless driver. ( do you wear seatbelts, text while driveing, ect.)
  8. Have you ever broken any bones in YOUR body.
  9. Do you have tattos, pirceings.
  10. Do you put your life on the line?

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Quiz topic: How many chances do I have at dieing?