How many aliens could you kill, in an invasion?

If aliens attacked earth how many aliens could you kill?

This is important to know because my connections say an invasion is inevitable.

Created by: darius kipperman
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which are you more scared of?
  2. If your city was being attacked, the first thing you'd do is...
  3. Are you good at chess?
  4. If you were with a group of people and found out the aliens had a tracker in your brain what would you do?
  5. What gun would you use?
  6. To escape what car would you use.
  7. What protagonist would you rather be that's in an alien movie?
  8. What alien would you rather kill?
  9. Do you think the aliens would be smarter then us?
  10. What would you most likely do if you were kidnapped?

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