How Manor Crew are you?

Everyone knew the Manor, but very few people were, or ever truly be, part of the inner circle. Few could call themselves Manor Crew. But the question is, could YOU?

Could you be Manor Crew? Could you go out on a Wednesday night and not come back till Monday morning? Take this simple test and find out if you've got what it takes.

Created by: Mad Matt
  1. What is the best way to spend a Sunday?
  2. Would you like?
  3. Dosing children's novelty ice creams with weed is...?
  4. You are at the bar. You order 4 pints of larger, 6 flaming Sambuccas, 2 vodka and cokes and a slim panetella. How much do you pay?
  5. Dave Monks?
  6. You happen upon someone's keys for their three wheeled scooter. What do you do?
  7. Where do penguins live?
  8. What is the maximum safe occupancy for a Ford Transit derived Minibus?
  9. What is your average weekly consumption of alcohol?
  10. Have you ever left a slate in a bar?
  11. What are "Blue Tiger" "Cob Dawe" and "Sloe Gin?"
  12. Is dear old Chisum...?
  13. Who do you miss? Who do you miss? WHO. DO. YOU. MISS?
  14. What is the optimum height for a head bar maid?

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Quiz topic: How Manor Crew am I?