How luvvy-duvvy are you?

You see this quiz, and ask youself 'What is 'luvvy-duvvy'???? Don't look it up in the dictionary, it's not there! Instead, take this quiz. It'll make sense afterwards.

I'll bet your going to look it up in the dictionary.... I said NO! Take the quiz already, trust me, it will make sense then. Really, it will. I honestly have nothing else to say! xD

Created by: MorganTheGirl

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're asked to play spin-the-bottle. What do you answer?
  2. What does the butt of your sweatpants say?
  3. How many doggies?
  4. MARCO!!!
  5. The other question was just to make sure youre awake, now heres a real one-- How many crushes?
  6. Have you dyed your hair?
  7. Married?
  8. Pirates or burritos?
  9. Love novels and green tea?
  10. FINALLY, LAST QUESTION! Favorite car..?

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Quiz topic: How luvvy-duvvy am I?