who will your trl4life

This quiz is about your TRL. It has to meanings Truth Reason and Love. because thats what i live by. It also stands for Terry Roseann Love which is my mothers name.

Do you think that you have a TRL. come take the quiz and find out. If you do ten you good if you dont you have to go and find one real quick. Nobody deserves to be out in the orld by youself. trust me i know.

Created by: Damon Jones

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is somebody you miss the most??
  2. What is the last thing you remember about them??
  3. Whats the best thing yall did together??
  4. Why don't yall talk anymore??
  5. Did you tell them everything??
  6. Who are you thinking is your T.R.L.??
  7. Did you ever shed tears with them??
  8. Did you continue to mess with them after you said you was done??
  9. Did they b_s you??
  10. What does T.R.L. mean to you??

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Quiz topic: Who will Ir trl4life