How long would you survive zombie Doomsday?

This is my first quiz, so nothing too harsh in the comments please! I am a new user!!! Have a great day and i will see you on the flip side! Have a great day!!!

Have a great day I guess!! I am tired of writing this, but I have to on this website! Bye bye till next time, if there is a next time! Yawn I'm tired! Bye bye!

Created by: Your worst night
  1. Where do you live?
  2. How would you rate your physical strength?
  3. Do you s--- your pants?
  4. Are you average?
  5. Are you an a--hole? Or selfish in any way?
  6. Do you complain or b---- a lot?
  7. When the zombie apocalypse happens, what would you do?
  8. Are you a Republican Democrat Or Moderate
  9. What time do you go to bed?
  10. How often do you s---?

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