How long would you survive in the jungle

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Created by: HUGH of ugolike
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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your airplane crashed on a jungle island and you are the only survivor.What do you chose to eat?
  2. You see a bear,and it chases you.You are falling behind.What do you do?
  3. You have escaped the bear,but it bit off your hand.What do you do?
  4. You decide to make a campfire to provide heat.You start the fire using-
  5. You then decide to cook something in the fire before it dies.You think _____ is the best option.
  6. After a short amount of time,your fire dies away and it's getting dark.You must have something to sleep on.What do you choose?
  7. It is now the next morning,and you decided to hunt animals for meat,but you first have to choose a weapon.You make a-
  8. There are lots of fish near the ocean.You choose to eat-
  9. Then you went to hunt more food,and you get lost.The place you are has NO food but bugs.Do you eat them?
  10. You finally find the way back home.Then,a lightning storm strikes.You hide under a-
  11. After a few days,you finally spot a ship that can help you.To get its attention,you-
  12. it doesn't respond to you.You-

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