How long will I live?

Would you like to know how long you will live with a short, simple quiz? This quiz can guide you to your estimated age in which you will die. Remember, this quiz can give you a result depending on your lifestyle so please be honest for the best result.

Another reason you should be honest is to see your result, and if your not very healthy, you can take into consideration what you could do to meet a new target. Take this quiz again every month and be honest to ensure your life is long and happy, with you doing healthy things! Enjoy!

Created by: Ellie
  1. How much alcohol do you drink/ would you like to drink?
  2. What is your age?
  3. Do you smoke? If so, how often?
  4. How often do you exercise?
  5. What is the oldest any of your family members have lived to?
  6. How long do you sleep for?
  7. How much screen time do you have a day? Please be honest here:
  8. Do you have pets? If so, how many?
  9. Where do your family live geographically, not politically?
  10. Do you work?
  11. Are you rich or famous?

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