How long can I survive in a Camping story

This quiz is based on, if you can survive a Camping Horror Story or not. Apparently, this quiz is to see, if your ready or not for a Horror Story! Enjoy.

This quiz, can reflect on your life. Imagine camping and, discovering a murder that happened at your Camp-Site! You'll be prepared to take down a Murderer after all!

Created by: Luna
  1. Before, we start. This quiz is based on to see how smart you are when your camping in a horror story. This can reflect on your life, if this does happen.
  2. What gear would you bring with you when, camping?
  3. After eating Dinner, on the Campsite. You see somebody by the Trees, staring at you. You would..
  4. In the morning, (Doesn't matter what you choose.) you see a wound on your leg. You didn't bring a Med-Kit, what would you do?
  5. After dealing with your leg, you see the person again. This time you couldn't run, due to your leg. (Doesn't matter what you choose.) How would you react?
  6. The person walked to you, with an knife in his hand. He spoke, 'Come with me, or die.' What would you do?
  7. (Doesn't matter what you choose) Next morning, you find yourself tied to a tree. How would you escape?
  8. You managed to escape. (Doesn't matter what you choose.) What would you do next?
  9. When you called the Police, you decided to run back to your Camping site for now. You saw, people going through your stuff you would..
  10. When the police got here, they asked what happened. You would say..
  11. The Police put you in their car. So you could go home. When driving you stared out the Window, seeing the Man staring at the car.. You...

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