How Lithuanian are you?

Are you Lithuanian? Would you fit into Lithuanian culture? Do you know Lithuanian language? You'll find out in few moments. Ar tu lietuvis? Ar zinai lietuviu kultura? Ar zinai lietuviskai? Suzinosi tuoj.

Take this quiz and find out how much Lithuanian are you. Ar tu lietuvis? Ar zinai lietuviu kultura? Ar zinai lietuviskai? Suzinosi tuoj. Sis kvizas parodo kiek lietuyvis tu.

Created by: Tomas K.
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Labas
  2. Ate
  3. If you step on "angis", you will
  4. If you violate traffic rules, cops will
  5. If you see Kestutis, the president of Lithuania, you have to
  6. In Baltic Sea, you'll find
  7. Lithuania regained independence in
  8. Lithuanians enjoy what pastry?
  9. Lithuania united with what country?
  10. What is a famous singer?

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Quiz topic: How Lithuanian am I?