Lithuanian Government Quiz

Lithuania is a tiny country, bordering Latvia, Russia, and Poland. Many people don't know much about Lithuania or its government. Do you know anything about the country of Lithuania, or its government?

See how much you know about Lithuania! Do you know absolutely nothing about Lithuania, a little bit, more than most people, or a lot! Find out know! Please enjoy this quiz about Lithuania and its government!

Created by: Myname

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  1. How many branches of government does Lithuania have?
  2. Does Lituania have a Unicarmal or a Bicarmal legislature?
  3. What is the name of Lituania's legislature?
  4. Which one of these Lituanian political parties is a centrist party?
  5. Which two parties are leftist parties?
  6. Which one of these parties is a right wing party?
  7. The Lithuanian Executive Branch has:
  8. The Prime Minister is also called the Premier.
  9. Who runs the government with a cabinet?
  10. Who appoints the prime minister, government officials, and military officers?
  11. Which is the highest court in Lithuania?
  12. Who appoints the members of the Supreme Court?
  13. Which of these determines the constituionality of new legislation?

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