How likely are you to survive in the wild?

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Hello there random visitor! Ever wondered how likely you would be able to survive in the wild? Don't question more! This quiz or test will get you covered up with 14 questions!

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Created by: Romeo4774
  1. What is the first thing to do while trying to survive in the middle of a forest?
  2. What should you make your shelter out of?
  3. What will you use as your food source?
  4. Let's say you want to gather animal meat. How will you do that?
  5. Let's say you think you're ready to go back to civilization and you shall start finding your way back. How will you find your way back?
  6. How do you get clean water?
  7. What will you do if you get bitten by a bug (and you don't know what insect it is, but you do know that it isn't poisonous)?
  8. If you're getting chased by a brown bear, what will you do?
  9. How do you know if there are predators nearby?
  10. Do you think you're physically prepared to survive in the wild? (Hiking, climbing mountains, and Walking for Kilometers straight)
  11. Would you happen to know how to use a compass with a map?
  12. Do you know how to start a fire?
  13. Which animal would you hunt (Or trap)?
  14. How would you prepare the meat of the animal you hunted?

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Quiz topic: How likely am I to survive in the wild?
