Pet or Wild: Which are you?

Welcome to the new and improved Pet VS Wild quiz! If you're looking to find out if you'd be a pet, wild, or maybe something different, simply take this quiz to find out!

Pets are quite pampered, spoiled and annoying here in the Pet VS Wild Universe, while Wilds are modest, dangerous, and free. There are also Ferals, who are a mixture, but lean towards being a wild.

Created by: Mooncat1010
  1. Hello friends! Welcome to the new and improved Pet VS Wild quiz! First question, what is your favorite food?
  2. What is your favorite smell out of these?
  3. If you could pick out of these, which animal would you be?
  4. Do you prefer pets or wilds?
  5. Do you prefer being indoors or outdoors?
  6. Which of the following would you do?
  7. Pick an accessory!
  8. Pick a name!
  9. If you were in a battle, what attack would you use?
  10. Do you prefer wolves or elk?

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Quiz topic: Pet or Wild: Which am I?
