How likely are you to see a dragon in the wild?

So, did you ever want to know if you were going to see a dragon soon? Try out this fake quiz where you get a score that determines the answer! Thanks !

THIS IS A FAKE QUIZ FOR FUN ONLY sedhf id ehfiro hiosef rhoew3fur edfuh oedfuh oedswfhi9 ifedh ihfeoieo8 ho fhieows ;fho;ewso hfieows;a hfi hfioe shgihuog

Created by: Rosalind
  1. How many times have you read books about dragons?
  2. Do you know how to identify the common dragon species in your area?
  3. How often do you go to parks or large wild places?
  4. Do you bring dragon finding equipment on your outings?
  5. Do you ever use magic dragon attractors?
  6. Do you have a big yard?
  7. Do you set up dragon cameras anywhere?
  8. Have you ever taken care of a baby dragon and released it into the wild?
  9. Do you work at an animal shelter or have experience with animals?
  10. Do you actually believe in dragons?

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Quiz topic: How likely am I to see a dragon in the wild?
