How Much Do You Know About Dragons?

So- wanna know if you're a true dragon expert? Want to be qualified for the best dragon study groups or the most advanced dragon searching parties? Just take this FAKE quiz which will tell you what you know!!!!!!!!

This is a fake quiz- take for fun! srigoHT uoith eithoiew hiose ieotheio hg useh giehioewhg oehiothiwo hgoi hitwe th;uos eh; hueo ghuo eehtwoieth hoiwethowi ht;iowh o

Created by: Rosalind
  1. How many types of dragons are there?
  2. What is a personality type of the European dragon?
  3. What animals look like the dragon?
  4. Which list is a list of dragons that are real?
  5. What do all dragons have in common?
  6. What is a list of the best books about dragonology to read?
  7. What is the major feature of the Hydris?
  8. Does the Hydra dragon exist?
  9. Does the Frost dragon exist?
  10. What is the color of dragon scales that does not exist?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Dragons?
