How likely are you to die in Wings of Fire?

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Can you survive Wings of Fire? (I'm not gonna say anything else just do the quiz please. not much else to say. but we have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty)


Created by: ZINC
  1. You and Peril cross paths! You must fight her! what do you do?
  2. You are trapped in a room! What do you do? (If you make the wrong decision, you die of starvation)
  3. You see a Scavenger (Human) and you are starving. what do you do?
  4. What do you bring to a remote island in the middle of nowhere?
  5. Queen Scarlet orders your execution! What do you do?
  6. You're a Hivewing and Sundew sees you. She begins charging towards with intent to kill! What do you do?
  7. (This doesn't count towards your score)If you got a chance to revive Kestrel, would you take it?
  8. Are you willing to cannibalize to survive?
  9. You are a Hivewing and you are taken prisoner by some Leafwings. What do you do?
  10. If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?

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Quiz topic: How likely am I to die in Wings of Fire?
