How Kind are you?? REALLY

I'm a child so DO NOT say bad words like F word k.also you can share with ya friends. After you take it comment *Comment optional* I play roblox here is my name PrincessPeach7150.

Hope you enjoy! BTW be kind forever and you will have a good life! It is not too late to change your life! so be happy and do not let anyone change you!

Created by: Aphmaufan103
  1. How do your friends describe you as???
  2. RP Time!Your walking by, with your McDonalds happy meal and see someone poor. What do you do???
  3. You walkdown the street and found someone crying. What do you do???????
  4. If your BFF did not wanna be your BFF how would you react??
  5. What if your BF/GF Does not like you instead hates you??? Your reaction??? If you do not have any skip or do it with your crush.
  6. How was it?
  7. Do you want me to make more like this?
  8. This was my first quiz!!!!
  9. Anyways! you can skip if you want but then you have to do 50-80 sit ups and jumping jacks!would you rather always be kind or always be right?
  10. do you like bullies??

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Quiz topic: How Kind am I?? REALLY
