How is your Military knowledge?

Most civilians don't know much about the Military, especially the history and role of the branches, and some of the equipment used. Most people don't even know the difference between an F-16 and an F-35. Do you?

Where do you stack up? Do you have the knowledge of a soldier? Do you fall into the pool of most civilians? Are you a History buff? Answer the next couple of questions to find out!

Created by: Kellan

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  1. Which aircraft has three distinct versions; one for the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps?
  2. Which branch of the Military is responsible for the operation and maintenance of lighthouses?
  3. Which of the Service Academies have I been appointed to?
  4. What is the numeric designation of the Abrams Main Battle Tank?
  5. The Nimitz Class Supercarrier can carry up to how many aircraft?
  6. The Air Force was formally created by the National Security Act of which year?
  7. In what conflict was the M16 first used?
  8. Which special forces group is associated with the Navy?
  9. An order of what governmental gathering created the Marine Corps?
  10. The F-22 possesses which of the following special capabilities?
  11. The majority of vehicular work on the ground falls under the responsibility of which branch?

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Quiz topic: How is my Military knowledge?