How is your brain feeling?(answer the first thing your brain says

well your brain is something you must fight for.your brain is the thing that makes you answer question.well not the thing the miracle it is.AND YOU MUST USE IT WELL and i need to keep writing so i can make the quiz hehehe bye

How does your brain feels? yup your brain feels things too. who said that? a scientist....and what if i say im a scientist . and hey this is a quiz for fun and so you can tell your friends "hey! my brain feels this and that" and they can believe in you

Created by: VictorX
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you think of cheese?
  2. you go to the park and you see a ring in the floor. whats your reaction?
  3. eh si wgat ate ypu dping nlq>
  4. SOrry about the last was test and i know your answer buahahahahahhahahahahahahahha
  5. now did you see the question 1 and 2? they were not made by me...
  6. so this is a brain testing quiz...and whywyoeknjhutsgrrweolasdrehbdvcgxhxkzlzuhvgtrjydfggyhsrijf6tgdjnughfygg>ANSWER>IS>#3>vgfdweqyhdfqwuwegvfyegfytefewyfyewfhuewjwbhscbsuvsbmikajaihaygewhuiji
  7. well last question said that the answer was #3... wait you dint read it?
  8. LAst question
  9. ehhh sorry last question
  10. are you mad? then why you took this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How is my brain feeling?(answer the first thing my brain says