How INSANE are you?

So i'm going to write you a poem because i'm bored. I have to write a paragraph, and I dont know what to write. So, for your poem, as Welshie promised

hello hello hey there friend hello hello i dont know how to end hello hello this paragraph sucks if you think that i'm smart, well, you're out of luck

Created by: Welshie
  1. Horse color?
  2. What time is it?
  3. Why u takehn this?
  4. Random country
  5. Wearing now-
  6. How INSANE are you?
  7. Funniest thing on the answers
  8. I'm Wide Awake
  9. Scary...
  10. check out the other Welshie quizzes, search Welshie

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Quiz topic: How INSANE am I?