How Insane Are You? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Insane Are You?

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  • You are 85% Insane

    my kinda hombre!: Dude! You're great! We should get together and raid K-mart for all it's worth! And don't worry about jail, they can't catch us because we're invisible! XDDDDDD So don't change and stay crazy!

    Lol =o

  • Lmfao. 100% insane .0.

    Yuppo, that's me children. Mentally insane ;D ( * dives behind a trash can in attempt to hide from the cops*) damn, lol. I really shouldn't take quizzes at 2 AM. (it really makes me seem insane-er-er than usual. ( mhm. I just said insane-er-er. Accept it.)

    Anywho.... Funnnnnn quiz, damn ( I need to take a friggin nap or somethin. I'm typing like a drunk wombat. XD)

    -ghettobabe4ever ♡ ( I dunno why I'm taking this or writing this since its an older quiz. Lol)


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