How Illogical are you?

Some people can be just plain crazy, or others, confusing. Some people are just rational, or others are always understandable You know you have seen this! :P

Now, are YOU Rational, or Crazy are YOU Confusing, or Understandable ARE YOU ILLOGICAL, OR LOGICAL Taking this 12 question quiz should let you find out!

Created by: J
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you respond if someone wants to watch or listen to something different?
  2. You and your friend/Sibling get in trouble, you.....
  3. You loose at the game, you....
  4. Sports or video games?
  5. You don't get dessert while out for dinner, you....
  6. Would you rate this quiz (no effect)
  7. Your brother/sister come near you, you...
  8. Unicorns and Ponies?
  9. Someone needs help with a chore or task, you...
  10. Someone is being bullied, you...

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Quiz topic: How Illogical am I?