How hot/sexy/pretty are u?

there are so many sexy peopleout there we need more hot girl and or pretty nahhhh we need some girl who dont care what they look like at all thats the good kind

ull see if u look good after this one awesomeness quiz. it look pretty good. ur hot haha just kidding. not really u are hot girly!i wish i looked like u

Created by: Lizzy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How hot/sexy/pretty are u?
  2. how old are u
  3. what ur gender?
  4. are u gay? or strait
  5. Do u were makeup every day???
  6. how do u dress?
  7. Do u text ur girlfriend/boyfriend everyday
  8. do u like pizza?
  9. do u have to look at urself before u go out somewhere?
  10. do u put cleran under were on every day?
  11. do u look at ur ( boobs ) every day? to make sure they look big?
  12. do u have to look good when u go out?

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