How good your story-telling is?

DISCLAIMER Understand i'm not a pro autor, i write fanbook-thingys with Ocs and cat versions and stuff. This quizz is vague and can give you a non-exact answer. My french language is french and mispelling is higly possible.

So, this quizz should tell you how good is your book written. No need to be a real book, fanfic. storys, Oc books and fanbooks are okay too. You can use it to know if you need to work a lot your writing skills :) i hope it help improving!

Created by: AFUniversCat of My DA account
(your link here more info)
  1. Have you worked hard on your book and story telling?
  2. Do you think your story is nice?
  3. Does it have many plots going on?
  4. How many characters do you have in your universe
  5. Is it confusing?
  6. What is the main plot?
  7. Is your story have unique ideas?
  8. Is it a mess?
  9. Are your characters belivable, with personalities that make readers feel concerned?
  10. Does it lead to thoughts?
  11. Is your characters perfect?(Main characters only. Background characters dosen't count as a mary sue background character don't make a story terrible.)
  12. Did you make worldbuilding or just threw random stuff?

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Quiz topic: How good my story-telling is?
