How good you know Kim Eliz?

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Hi, cutie! I guess you know the theme of this quiz! 'How good you know Kim Eliz?' Btw... Do you think you can get the full points? Don't worry if ur result isn't good!

I know you can get the biggest one! Good luck, princesssss❤You can do everything! It's toooooo easy! Just use you beautiful brain 🎀btw... Good luck again✨

Created by: Kim Eliza
  1. What do she like to do when she is alone at home?
  2. Who she miss a lot every time?
  3. Which VPOP idol she likes the most?
  4. What's she will chose for stage outfit?
  5. If her brand had a signature color plalate, what she will chose?
  6. What kind of perfume she likes the most?
  7. If she had a solo photoshoot, what will be the concept?
  8. What is Kim Eliza's first stage name??
  9. Does she like ITZY?
  10. Is she obsessed with Munjo's vusials?

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