How Good Would You and I Be Friends?

Soo I'm just doing this for fun- it's highly unlikely that I'll actually meet and befriend you irl, but still. :) Again, DON'T TAKE THIS LITERALLY!!!!

This quiz will tell you how much we would be friends- oh, this was a headache to make T-T please appreciate it and don't hate on me because of your results.

Created by: MagentaBean
  1. Which of these Fandoms are you in/familiar with? If you are in multiple choose the one you are in the most.
  3. What are you?
  4. Do I actually know you irl? (Be serious- I'm gonna get some of my friends to take this quiz)
  5. Out of the below options, which would you befriend?
  6. *yawn* Uhm how do you eat? (realizes that came out so wrong-)
  7. Do you have siblings?
  8. Where do you live?
  9. What is your favorite video game?
  10. LAST QUESTION; do you actually wanna be my friend?

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