Which character of The Mysterious Benedict Society are you?

Will you get Reynies' kindness, Stickys' cleverness, Kates' bravery, or Constances' sarcasm? This quiz is only for "The Mysterious Benedict Society" fans.

I hope you like this quiz. It's the third one I've ever made. If you like The Mysterious Benedict Society, this quiz is probably for you. If you like this quiz, look for more quizzes by me, Rooney.

Created by: Rooney
  1. First of all, what is your age?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. If a robber stole your box of quarters, your computer, your favorite red bucket, or your secret stash of candy, what would you really, really, really not want them to steal?
  4. Do you have a good memory?
  5. Are you brave?
  6. Which wold you rather do?
  7. Which dessert would you have?
  8. What is your weakness?
  9. What is your strength?
  10. What is your strongest emotion?
  11. You are stuck in a room, there is a guard standing at the only door in the room, which is locked. Your memory is about to be erased. What do you do?
  12. See you later!

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Quiz topic: Which character of The Mysterious Benedict Society am I?
