How good of a cook are you

Ok so this is a quiz that tells you how good of a cook you are keep in mind that if you get a score you don't want you can redo it as many times as you want

You can have a score from bad to fantastic you can also get a score in between those 😗😍😍😗😋😚😎😙😍😎😎😙😎😙😇😗😘😙😍😍😑😍😍😙😍😙😍😙😃😙😄😙😃😙😃😙😂😁

Created by: Joe
  1. How often do you burn your food
  2. How often do you cook
  3. What is your age
  4. Tvgvcdc
  5. Ghbnhcxdcdcvyhnmkmnhyv (by the way you can just pick one)
  6. Bgfcxexcvtbhnhn ( by the way you can just pick one it doesn't count)
  7. Ubgvgvbyvtvtv(same)
  8. Gcdfvbnubdszxdn (same)
  9. Get Cdvgvfcfvhnm
  10. Gvgbhgvcdcgbg

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Quiz topic: How good of a cook am I
