How Good of a assassin are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Good of a assassin are you?
Great assassin,I am very sneaky, cunning, mischievous,self relaint and revenge seeking on those who hurt me in the past. I'm also good with melee weapons. I think I'd be a good one too. Cool quiz mate.
Zimswife1 -
Apparently this is not exactly the most accurate quiz. It said I am a 73% Assassin and got about 40 jobs done. That is very inaccurate on my part. I got 163 jobs done and still haven't gotten caught.
Keisoyo1 -
You are a 97% Assassin 97%
You Have got 55+ Jobs done and were never caught! You're a master assassin and you could get a job done like *snaps* That!
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