How good is your knowledge on the world of Harry Potter

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This quiz may seem all riddles, bu they are not a rhyme. Take the chance today to take this quiz and find the piece of you that matches the wizarding world.

This quiz is complex. that is the way it was designed. This quiz might shake your nerves and might become your mind. Good luck and get a high score. I hope.

Created by: Ashley and Melody
  1. How many words can you think of that would take the place of none.
  2. How many unknown people are seen in the backdrop of the HP films.
  3. How many times can Harry use a patronus spell in a day?
  4. How many chances do you get until you are dead?
  5. How many places can you visit in one shot?
  6. How much time does it take to change the past one step at a time?
  7. How much time does it take to make a full lap around to victory?
  8. Which class does the heart find itself in when friends walk?
  9. How much time does it take till you go crazy?
  10. What is the chance that you will understand?

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Quiz topic: How good is my knowledge on the world of Harry Potter