How good are you in football?

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Welcome to this quiz. This quiz will try its best going very deep into understanding your precise skill level. It will measure your chances to becoming a pro.

It will give critique at the end on your score. If you get a good score, then you're going to get good critique. DO NOTE: This quiz is only made for people who have interest in soccer and to see how high of a chance they have of becoming pro.

Created by: Ben Annoynymous
  1. How many miles an hour can you sprint?
  2. How accurate can you kick?
  3. When do you choose to pass to your teammate?
  4. How much successful dribbles do you get a day.
  5. How often do you go running towards the ball and end up controlling the ball.
  6. Do you take soccer very serious?
  7. If you could give yourself a FIFA card rating, what would it be?
  8. Which duo rivalry is between two GOATs?
  9. What's the most juggles you can do?
  10. What type of athlete body do you have, if you don't know, find out.
  11. How would you rank yourself in your school/club?
  12. Which continent are you from?

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Quiz topic: How good am I in football?
