How good are you at Fortnite 2019

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My quiz is to tell you what kind of player are you at Fortnite...I made this quiz because i was bored. I was playing fortnite and i got bored jreiufhlk

Don't know what to write here ofeshofisoifesofihjoihjewojfhiosfjosehfiosehfsiofohisefoisehfiosfhoofeffhyfkggjrfguykguybguy87gtiut87g76tg87rtigitu6t8t7

Created by: David
  1. What is better? A rare tactical shotgun, a legendary scar or a rare pump shotgun?
  2. You have zero shield. Do you...
  3. When you see a build battle. What do you do?
  4. Which one of these three is your favorite location?
  5. How much do you play Fortnite?
  6. How many eliminations do you have every match?
  7. When someone is shooting at you what do you do?
  8. What season did you started playing Fortnite?
  9. What kind of computer do you have?
  10. What do you think you are?... A n00b, a decent player or a pro?

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Quiz topic: How good am I at Fortnite 2019
