How good are you at cosmology?

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Wanna test out how much you know about cosmology? Play our quiz! We have 11 questions here and let's see how much you know about cosmology in those 11 questions!

In these questions, you will be asked different questions about space. The first one is simple as eating a cake. But the questions might get harder and harder.

Created by: Happy174
  1. Now let's start with the simplest question of all. What is our home planet?
  2. Let's do a little bit harder one. How was the Moon made?
  3. Nice! What galaxy do we live in?
  4. How many light years is a "Megaparsec"?
  5. How many kilometers is 1 light year?
  6. Proxima Centauri is about 40 trillion kilometers away from us. How far away is Proxima Centauri in light years? Please remember that it is "about" 40 trillion kilometers.
  7. How big is the universe? (although it's getting bigger and bigger)
  8. How are sunspots created? (Black spots on the Sun's surface)
  9. How many planets in the Solar System are there?
  10. How many moons does Pluto have?
  11. Which one is a dwarf planet?

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Quiz topic: How good am I at cosmology?
