How good are YOU at btd6

You want to know how good you are at Bloons td 6? Well, here is a quiz, you can of coarse always improve! I hope you have fun doing this quiz!!!!!!!!!

At the end you'll see how good you've done, this is based off of the answers you gave. Of coarse, it could be that you weren't honest, of coarse that is not the best, so if you want a good answer! Be honest!

Created by: Eevneon
  1. How many games have you won
  2. What do you use for main attack?
  3. How many games have you played
  4. What is your highest round
  5. Bloons popped
  6. Bloons leaked
  7. Golden bloons popped
  8. [empty]
  9. [empty]
  10. [empty]

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Quiz topic: How good am I at btd6

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