How good are you at Bee Swarm Simulator?

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This is a quiz about the video game Bee Swarm Simulator but when you get your result keep in mind that it may not be accurate and you will most likely get better at the game.

Anyway my name is Jurasek in Roblox and I hope you extremely enjoy the quiz! Also if you have not played Bee Swarm Simulator please try it! It is an amazing game on Roblox.

Created by: Jurasek
  1. What is the first bee you get?
  2. How do you gain bees?
  3. How many bees are the max?
  4. How many bees do you have?
  5. How do you obtain the king beetle amulet?
  6. How do you obtain the ant amulet?
  7. Who created bee swarm simulator?
  8. What is bee swarms christmas event called?
  9. What type of bee is a shy bee?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz? (no effect)

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Quiz topic: How good am I at Bee Swarm Simulator?
